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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Our little bundle has arrived!

I didn't realize how long it had been since I had posted.  It has been too long.  I guess the third trimester and the time since she was born just flew.  Here is the story of her birth.  It was a miracle.

My blood pressure had been great my whole pregnancy until week 36.  It started to creep up, so the doctor scheduled my induction for the 37th week.  I checked in early on October 10th, and started with the induction process.  After 48 long frustrating hours she had not dropped, my water had not broke, and I was not really even dilated a little.  So they sent me home with instructions to pay attention to any warning signs of preeclampsia.  They also scheduled a second attempt the following

My parents had arrived the evening of the 9th, so they stayed at the house all weekend when we were in the hospital.  My mom was a saint and cleaned my house, and helped with some of the items on my to do list.  They stayed the next week with us (actually they stayed a whole month) and helped me work on the nursery and organize my house before the baby came.

On Friday the 18th we went out to dinner with my parents and smiled as we told each other that the next time we saw each other there would be a baby.  On the way to the hospital my water broke (ironic, right?), but I thought I might have just peed myself a little bit.  Once I was checked into the hospital they hooked me up to all the monitors and then they told me my water had broke.  She was sitting really high (and transverse) so they had me get an ultrasound to see exactly where she was.  Once they confirmed her location they started the medications to induce me.  We kept having a hard time keeping the monitor in the right location, and we were getting weird readings on the baby heartrate monitor.  They called the doctor, and she said to stop all medications for induction and that she would be by in the morning.  When she came by she told me that the baby was not in distress, but she could become that way.  We needed to make a decision, and in her opinion the c-section was the best option.  Once everyone was on the same page we immediately went into the Operating Room, and prepared for the c-section.  When they had me open they realized what the issue we were seeing on the monitor - the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck three times.  She also had meconium.  When she came out she was breathing, but not well.  The pediatrician immediately took her and worked on helping her get some air.  Right before he was going to intubate she started breath better on her own.  I had been nervous to look at her.  She didn't cry when she came out, and I was scared.  When I started to hear her little cry I was so thankful.  Beau pulled the curtain out of the way enough that I could see my little miracle.  The nurse brought her over and laid her right next to my head and I was able to kiss her.  I have never felt so blessed.

Johanna Joie was born on October 18th at 11:49 am.  She weighed 7 lbs 15 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.

Both of us recovered very well from the c-section and birth.  She is a happy and healthy little baby.  We just love her so much.  Everyday I almost have to pinch myself to believe how much I love her.

Johanna with Grandma.

Just after she was born.

Johanna with her great Grandma (Yaya)

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