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Friday, October 11, 2013


Today is the first day after the completion of my 24 Day Challenge.  I have made some great discoveries about myself, and about this process.   I thought I would share.

I have been asked what I am doing to lose the weight, and what was my 24 Day Challenge.  I was introduced to the 24 day challenge by my sister in law, Tiffany. It is a program created by AdvoCare.  Basically you start the challenge with an herbal cleanse, and then finish with supplements designed to help you trim your body.  There is a suggested diet to follow that will aid in your success.  I do not believe in diet pills.  I have had friends and family members take them, and I have watched as they experienced temporary weight loss at the cost of jitters, caffeine highs, and in some cases altered health (can anyone say Fen Phen?).  When I first heard about this challenge I thought it was stupid.  First of all, AdvoCare is an MLM (multi level marketing) company, and that does not interest me in becoming involved.  Also, it is a spendy program.  The initial challenge costs $200 for the basic kit, and more as you add in all the extra supplements to help aid the process.What changed my mind was the fact that doing nothing to help my situation wasn't improving my outlook, and I knew that I would have a support team if I chose to try the challenge.  So, I embarked on this path.  I made the investment, and planned some meals.  I don't think that this is the only answer to weight loss, but it has helped me jump start my journey.  Between a balanced diet (calorie counting on, and taking these supplements I have lost 16.6 pounds in the last 24 days.

Beau has asked me what my plan is now that the challenge is over.  Will I continue to buy the supplements and other AdvoCare supporting products?  While I do think they are helpful, and they made me feel better overall (my back doesn't hurt as much as it normally does and I have a lot more energy), I have decided to not continue taking them.  The reason for this is I want to know if the improvements I have experienced can only be attributed to the supplements or the change in diet.  I made a lot of changes in a short period of time and I want to know where to attribute my success.

I have decided that I want to go back to Weight Watchers.  I have done the Weight Watchers program in the past and have been very successful.  The reason I am choosing Weight Watchers is for several reasons.  First, I need to have a program that allows for life to happen.  While on the challenge I ended up traveling, going to family events, celebrating birthdays, etc.  I need an eating plan where I am allowed to celebrate and not feel like I have completely fallen off the bandwagon.  Another important reason I am choosing Weight Watchers is because there is more to food than calories.  Weight Watchers looks at the protein, carbs, fat, and fiber content of the document which is very important as well.  I also really like the community that Weight Watchers gives me.  Attending the meetings gives me support, and that is something that I really need.  While Beau is so supportive of me getting healthier, he is not ready to take the same steps.  While he is a great support, I need to surround myself with people that understand what I am going through, and I will get that at my meetings.  I could also say that Weight Watchers is a more affordable option to purchasing the supplements, but that isn't really why I am choosing this option. The truth is I would pay the money if I felt that the supplements were necessary to my success.  I won't say that I won't ever take them again, I am just going to take a break (maybe temporary or permanent) while I transition to Weight Watchers (I could do both if I wanted).

I have learned some other important lessons in the last several weeks.  I do not love drinking my meals.  I like having the option of drinking a shake in the morning when I am rushed and do not have time to pack or make breakfast, but I really like eating my food.  I really like salad.  There is so much you can do to a bed of lettuce it is ridiculous.  I like brown rice and quinoa.  They are so yummy, and great alternatives to white rice.  Sometimes it is really helpful to drink a diet root beer when I really want something sweet and yummy.  You can eat pizza and cake and fish fries and still lose weight - just don't do it everyday and monitor your portions carefully and plan ahead.  You may still struggle everyday with wanting to eat more than you should, but that's okay.  It is okay to have temptations nagging at you.  Don't give up.  Sometimes I have to take things minute by minute in order to make it through.  Don't be afraid to tell the people you love that you need them.  There have been several times that I have looked at Beau and said that I needed a hug or a kind word.  The people that care about you want you to succeed.  I have also learned that it is okay to stand up and say no.  No that doesn't work for me, no I do not want to take leftovers home, no I do not need to finish my plate.  I also learned that Izzie doesn't care how fast or slow we walk.  She is just so happy to help me get moving!
Izzie is waiting to go on a walk!

I never intended to blog about this as I go, but then I found that talking about my struggles actually helped me.  I am really humbled that people read my ramblings.  I do not feel that I am a great writer, and often laugh at the amount of typos that make it on the page.  Thanks for listening...again.


  1. I'm so glad that you're sticking with it. I hope you continue to blog about this journey and wish you all the best with WW. I totally agree that making sure you're eating well rounded, properly portioned meals is WAY more important than calorie counting. You are going to do amazing things and I'm so happy to hear that you are expanding your support system. Love ya!

  2. Yes yes yes! I really hope your back keeps feeling good. I know that WW is something that will help you do great things. Support is so important. AdvoCare is definitely not the only way, just a tool along the way-but don't be afraid to combine the two if you find your back and energy levels take a hit! That said-I'm so excited for you. When we talk about life and your journey you always have such great insight and perspective. And you really are touching a lot of peoples' lives as you go along.

    The not taking home leftovers, not cleaning your plate-those are all things that John has struggled with but you're right-it is definitely OK to say no, not finish, not scrape a plate clean. And it's ok to take the dog for a slow walk, fast walk-she doesn't care! However you get 'er done, that's the right way for you. Love you!
