Vintage Background


Friday, December 13, 2013


Yesterday I went to the doctor to get some blood work done.  Nothing crazy, just a check up.  The doctors office has this special chair that they have the patients sit in for blood draws.  It has this arm the lays across their lap after they sit on it so they can rest their arms.  The last time I had blood work done at this doctor, the tray would not lay flat.  It was embarrassing, but the nurse was gracious and didn't comment on my problem.  Yesterday when I say down in the chair, the nurse laid the rotated the arm down and it rested flat. In fact, my belly didn't really touch that stupid arm.  I felt like a rock star.  I have had other realizations like that that just make me feel kind of awesome.  

Our car's seat belts were not long enough for me to be able to plug in across my large torso.  We bought a seat belt extension, and moved on with life.  The other day I got in the car and was able to buckle the seat belt without the extension.  It was snug, but it fit.

When I was traveling heavily for work I bought this coat at the Mall of America in Minneapolis.  At the time the coat was snug, but I told myself I would shrink and fit in it by the next winter. Last winter I wore the coat one time.  That was all I could do.  It was too small.  I put the coat on this year and wear it on almost every outing.  The coat not only fits, but fits comfortably.

I tried on a pair of pants I outgrow long ago and they fit. 

My wedding ring doesn't feel like it is cutting the circulation off from my finger and slides easily on and off.

A shirt I bought over a year ago fits me better now than it did when I purchased it.

I am still overweight, but I am realizing that I am not as big as I once was.  There is a little more room in my clothes, and I like it.

I have really been enjoying listening to Christmas music.  I turn it on while I work and when I am driving around. I have been giving some thought to this Christmas season.  What does Christmas mean to me?  I have always loved the Christmas holiday and season.  I love being able to remember the Savior and not only his miraculous birth, but also his ministry, infinite atonement, and resurrection.  I am so grateful to have an entire month focused on Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Each of those little victories are huge! I'm really proud of you, and excited to hear about all of those accomplishments! I love it!
