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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I did it!

Yesterday was a great day for me at Weight Watchers.  I celebrated my 16 week anniversary of going to meetings as well as losing my 10%, and I haven't missed one week since I started.  In that 16 weeks I have lost 42.6 pounds, reached both my 5% and 10% goals, conquered fears and changed habits, and have gained a lot of personal insight.  I was pretty excited about my progress.  Ironically we discussed celebrating victories that do not involve the scale.  I sat in my chair and smiled to myself.  I have so much to celebrate, but don't worry I won't bore you with the details because I talk about a lot of the milestones I have experienced so far.  The big thing to me was realizing that I have conquered the unconquerable number.  I have lost more than 50 pounds.  In fact, in total I have lost 58.  That is the most weight I have ever lost at one time.  I'm not done either.  There is no giving up going on here.  I am energized and ready to keep going.

What I love about WW is the community.  The people that build me and inspire me.  There are so many people in so many different situations.  We all have completely different lives, but have one thing in common: we want to be healthy.  That is pretty awesome.  Each one of us experience different hurdles along our journey and struggle through different set backs.  But we all understand what the successes and the failures mean to each other.  I really am glad that I made the decision to go back to WW for my long term weight loss goals.

There is a chair at my in-laws that I typically avoid.  It is a beautiful dining chair with arm rests.  Before I wouldn't sit in it because I didn't fit.  My wide hips just barely allowed me to sit on the edge of my seat.  Last week it was the only chair available in the living room, so I sat on the end.  Then I realized that I could sit further back.  Then I realized I could rest my back on the back of the seat.  I fit.  I smiled inside, and then found myself sitting in it and the other one just like it several more times.  I don't know if it was that I couldn't believe it, or I was just so darn proud of myself!

I did succeed at removing the carpet from the car.  I had help, but I helped too.  I didn't run away or allow someone else to do it all for me.  I pitched in and got dirty.  We are still working to get the carpet dry, but we are headed in the right direction.  The smell seems to be alleviated from the interior of the car which makes me a very happy person.  I just have to make sure the smell is gone from the carpet and padding, and then I will restore the carpeting in the car.  Until then my ride is a little louder!

I really do feel truly blessed in my life.  I may be living in someone else's home, and I may not be down to my desired weight, but I am blessed.  I am learning so much about myself in this journey.  Each day is an opportunity to smile and be proud of my accomplishments.  I know that I couldn't do this without the support I have.  My support is amazing!


  1. You inspire me lady! Congratulations!

  2. Losing 10% is something that so few people ever work long and hard enough to achieve. Good job! I am so happy you've found a good spot to help you maximize your success with WW!

  3. FANTASTIC! I am soooo super proud of you! I have found in all of my weight loss over the many years (200 PLUS pounds, I've lost...some over again and again), that if I think of it as being in it for life, I'm much more successful. If I keep my head down, give myself a year before I even look up, then I am much happier at the results. OH I would love to share with you my journey sometime. I've learned so much about myself and that I still can have what I love (FOOD!) but just in moderation. free days save me! HUGE hugs to my favorite you: Joanne!
