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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Checking in

I unpacked and cleaned the kitchen.  I am a rockstar.  Once the piles of stuff to be put away finally started shrinking I started to feel a lot of the stress and frustration just melt off my shoulders.  Now lets be honest, the house still has a long ways to go.  But last night I was able to make a meal in a clean kitchen.  There is not much more that could make me feel relief at this point.  Also, after talking to my mom I discovered a reason that my dishwasher may not have been working.  She told me that not all dishwashers have disposals in the bottom.  Some have traps that catch the stuff that rinses off the dishes.  So I tore it apart and found the traps full of completely unmentionable yuckiness.  I am hoping that things are looking up in the dishwasher department of life now.  Again, I am a rockstar.

So now I need to decide on my next project.  I have three main living areas that still need some attention.  These areas are definitely not as crucial as the kitchen, so the order I clean and unpack them is not important.  I need to finish the living room.  Figure out what we are going to do in our bedroom (I haven't figured out a floor plan yet).  I also need to get the bathroom in some type of order that makes sense.  We also have the office, but since that room can wait as I have a workspace in the dining room right now, I am just not going to stress out over that room.  Then I have a blank canvas in the guest room.  I do not have furniture or a plan for that room so I figure that will be one of my favorite rooms to put together.

Yesterday as I was cleaning a quote came into my head.

Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, "I'll try again tomorrow." Thomas S. Monson

I was not in a happy frame of mind yesterday.  Once I finished the kitchen my whole attitude lightened up.  My perspective was fresh and I could face the tasks ahead.  I am grateful for my husband who let me vent to him my frustrations and allowed me the space to work it out.  I am grateful for a mother that could hear my frustration and still find a way to get through to me.


  1. I was hoping you would update! Isn't it amazing what difference a clean kitchen can make? And even just accomplishing SOMETHING and being able to take a step back and see your hard work paying off. I'm glad you're in a better emotional place today and good luck with the rest of the house!

  2. That is one of my favorite quotes, as it's very popular in our young women's group. Love it and love you :)
