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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It's been too long

I thought it had only been a couple of weeks, but it has been almost a month since my last post.  I figure it is time to update everyone on my life and my journey.

A few weeks ago I went to the doctor and was advised to just maintain my weight for a little while.  Although my weight loss has been great, she would like to me to maintain what I have accomplished while we look into a few things.  So, I got excited.  I could add some food back in since the goal was to maintain and not to lose.  So I stopped counting points and believed I could figure out how to maintain on my own.  Oops!  So far I have teetered  back and fourth and not really maintained. This is harder than losing weight.  Trying to find a balance is much more work!  So, I am going back to the basics.  I am focusing on whole grains, fruits and veggies, lean protein, and healthy fats.  I can maintain.  I can do this!

We moved into our new place to us a week and a half ago.  I was really excited for all of the updates and fixes they were doing to the house, and they completed their updates.  What is nice is that it is a blank canvas, and because our landlords are easy going, I can fix the things and make this place my own.  We plan on living here for a while so it will all be worth it.  The truth is I am happy we moved here.  I am happy I am able to make it mine.  I am happy that I can make this place better.  I am happy that I get to learn some new tricks along the way.  I wish that home projects didn't make Beau anxious, but there are things he does that worry me.  After six and a half years married I have learned that we don't have to agree on everything.  We just need to agree on the important stuff (which we do)!

We enjoy our new church ward.  In the town we live in there is a large community for Senior Living.  The majority of this community lies within the boundaries of our ward.  So you could say that Beau and I are among the younger crowd in the ward.  We are definitely the youngest married couple without children.  We like all of the older people though.  They are so warm and friendly coming up to us and welcoming us in.  Something else that is a perk for Beau is that because there aren't very many kids (in comparison to our last several wards) it is much quieter and far less distracting.  It is nice being able to sit down with those we worship with and pick up were we left off from our last ward.  I love that about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  It doesn't matter where you live, we are all studying the same materials during the year.

So I guess life isn't all that exciting as of late.  I will post more as I work to maintain my weight.  I am going to be accountable for the struggles I am facing.  Not because I have to, but because I can do this.  And if I can do this, anyone can!

a bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on it's own wings. always believe in yourself.

1 comment:

  1. You're back! I was worried you had abandoned your readers.

    Maintaining is really really hard. But such an essential tool. I have a friend in Salem who has lost a lot of weight and she swears by doing a maintenance phase every 4-6 months in order to learn those skills along the way since eventually, maintenance is the goal.

    Glad you're happy at the new house. I had heard things weren't done how they were supposed to and I wondered how you were handling it. LOVE the positive attitude!
