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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

One Week and Counting

I made it through my first complete week on Weight Watchers... Again.  I lost 7.4 pounds.  So happy to be on the downward track again.  The first few weeks are such a mind game when I work to change my habits.  Am I working hard enough?  Is this going to work?  Am I wasting my time and money? AAAhhh!  I hate all of the internal dialog that makes me doubt myself.  Even after I found out I lost 7.4 pounds (which by the way, is as much as a newborn baby) I still felt a little disappointment in myself.  I should have done better.  Why do I have these feeling or let these feelings come out?

The truth is, it is my insecurities and short comings that are rearing their ugly head.  I have to learn how to master the monster that says that I am not enough.  This monster has been chasing me a lot lately.  It has told me I am not a good enough mother, or wife.  It has told me that I am not worthy of friendship or joy.  I could write this off as depression and say I can't do anything about it.  Whether it's in my head, or it's  a chemical imbalance - I still have to conquer the monster.  So to focus on the light inside of me.  The light that says you are enough,  you are a good mom and a good wife, and you are stronger than you think.

So this is what I am striving for.  Not for perfection all at once, but to be a little better everyday.   And some days I may step backwards a little.  And that is okay.  Because tomorrow is a new day full of possibilities.  If this journey to make myself better was only about weight, I wouldn't have a weight problem to begin with.  So I have to tackle and face the monsters that rear their ugly head that make me question my success.  And that's okay.  I may have to fight depression head on, and that's okay.  I can do that.

Whether I am working to better myself or not.  The time will pass.  I only have this day once.

So for today I am going to love on my daughter, I am going to eat healthy and take care of me.  I am going to let my husband tell me I am beautiful and try really hard to see the beauty he sees in me.  I will not let the monster inside tell me if I am good enough or not.  It isn't any of the stupid monster's business anyways.


  1. Way to go! Making it through the week, ditching more than any of my newborn babies ever weighed, and moving right along. I love how real you are on your blog. I'm so excited you've recommitted to both your physical and emotional health. Love you!

  2. I love reading your blog bc you are so real and honest and you let me know I'm not alone in feeling the way that I do. You're awesome, eating healthy is anything but easy for the majority of us, so way to go!!! 7.4 is freaking amazing!!!
