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Friday, September 30, 2016

Why I put on makeup and did my hair.

Yesterday I celebrated my ninth wedding anniversary.  I could put on my rose colored glasses and tell you they have been the best and easiest nine years of my life.  I would be lying.  Marriage is by far the most difficult endeavor I have ever pursued.  Not because I am married to a bad person.  Beau is a truly loving and giving husband.  He does his very best to show love to our daughter and me.  But that doesn't mean that being married has been a fairy tale.  We have had our fair share of trials through money and employment hardships.  We have stuck together through difficult times both mentally and physically.  If we were different people there are many times one or both of us might have thrown in the towel.  But we have worked through our struggles, and still try to see the best in each other.  I am not perfect, but I am getting a little better everyday... hopefully!

Why do I admit to this the day after my anniversary?  Because I was told that marriage would be the absolute best and most magical thing that will ever happen in my life.  That finding my Prince Charming meant that we would live happily ever after.  I can't say that we have been happily ever after, but I can say that we are stronger and love each more now then we did when we were first married.  So there are days that we struggle.  There are days that we drive each other absolutely insane.  And then there are days like this:

Days that we get to take a break from the hectic routine we call life, and we go to a beautiful restaurant.  When we eat delicious food while we laugh and reflect on the past while looking towards the future.  Days that I decide to stop being overly cautious and tell him to go ahead and make the dinner reservation.  When I choose to do my hair and makeup and put on a dress to show him just how much I love him.  Not because he expects me to look or dress a certain way.  Where he puts on a nice button down shirt that he finds uncomfortable, but he wears it because he knows I think he looks handsome in it. It was a wonderful dinner.

Back to the hair and makeup.  I don't typically spend a lot of time (okay lets be honest - I can't remember the last time I put on makeup, and my hair has been a side braid and bun for months) on either of these two items.  They take a long time, and they don't seem to produce the results that the tutorials on youtube promise.  But I did try to look nicer yesterday, so my husband would know that for him I put in the effort.  That he is worth the effort.  And for me.  So that I would act confident and put together even if I felt otherwise.  Sometimes the best I can do is show up.  So yesterday I showed up.  I put on my best face (no I am not talking about the makeup) and had a wonderful evening.

I don't know when I will put on makeup again.  I think I need new makeup because everything I have is old and getting weird.  Also, the eye makeup makes my eyes get bloodshot and tear up which I believe indicates some type of allergy.  I don't know when I will do my hair again.  Maybe soon,  Maybe not.  People tell me I am the kind of person who doesn't need makeup (whatever that is supposed to mean.  If you can tell I am not wearing makeup then I probably could use some), but I like how it makes me feel to put a little highlight to my eyes or cover up my less than perfect face.  But the point is, I did my hair and makeup for me.  Not because I felt like I had to.

Now let's talk about food.  I decided to allow myself to order something yummy because I was at a nice restaurant with my husband celebrating.  So, I ordered cioppino which I didn't really know what it was, but it was soooo yummy and pretty healthy too.  I indulged in bread and dessert.  When I got home I tracked all of my points.  I was so proud of myself for making the conscious decision to enjoy the evening and not got bogged down with counting and tracking points.  I ate until I was satisfied, but didn't overeat.  When we left I felt happy.  Not overstuffed like I would have normally done, but pleasantly satiated.

Another day on track with Weight Watchers.  Another wonderful memory.  All is well here in the house of Alcorn.

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